The second night,
sleepless again.
Shafts of light on the wall,
the house groans,
I can hear everyone else breathe.
It is true that I'm the same person asleep
that I am
and that whatever drive I had
flutters distantly
from my body
a wasted energy
just watch me breathe
And at 3 a.m. these things come back to tell you
just how much they'v missed
always under the quilt your grandmother made
it seems like blasphemy to hate yourself there
but you do anyway
Shafts of light. Dew.
It's just the way I should
be able
to make a still image
but sometimes that just
doesn't do
even in the lethargic way I tell about it
The Quiet Room breathes
and everything I do is at fault
in the way it falls dead
at night
more alone than I ever could be
keeping me awake
until shafts of light
blend into the white of
the walls.